Tour our school from home!

Come in for an in person tour!
No appointment necessary
M-F from 9:30-11:00 am
Drop off & Pick up Procedure:
Watch for your teacher to add her matching class sign to the window. Then form a line behind the white line in the parking lot facing the preschool. One at a time each car will pull up to the orange cones. The teacher will come to get the preschooler from the car.
At pick up the teacher will bring the child to the car but we ask you to pull ahead to an open parking spot to hop out and secure your child's seat belt. This will make the pick up process go much faster!
The 2 car signs will be given to you at drop off on the first day of school.

Want to add your preschooler to our "I'm Interested" list?
Discovery Kids Preschool
or just submit this form--->
Fill out this form & we will keep you up-to-date on our events!