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Year Book


At the end of each school year, Miss Holly will make a photo book that will have photos from the entire school year.  These will be the same photos that will be in the monthly slideshows.  These adorable 8X11 soft cover books will be less than $20.  These year books display all of our monthly themed activities and holiday activities.  Why have just 1 school photo when you can have 20 pages of pictures!  I hope you and your preschoolers will enjoy these awesome books!




Throughout the school year, selective items of school work are compiled to create a portfolio for each child.  The children will get to decorate their own covers. These portfolios will be given to each preschooler at their end of the year performance.  These are a great way for you to see your child's progress through out the year and they also serve as a memorable keep sake. 



Slide Shows


Through out the school year, DKP will be emailing slideshows of our various fun events and holidays.  These fun photos will be showcased to music in these adorable slideshows.  These same pictures will be used to create our year book at the end of the school year.

Monthly Newsletters

Monthly Newsletters keep parents up to date on what is beginning taught and all the fun activities.  This aids parents in asking that right questions.  Instead of asking your preschooler,  "what did you do today?" try asking, "did you make homemade lollipops?  What color were they?"  and "It was letter L day today!  Do you remember what sound the L makes?"

We Use Music To Learn!

Letter B Song

Learning can be fun!

Using this class tested, multi-sensory method, preschool children can easily learn to identify number, shapes, colors, sounds, and sight words by listening to music and moving with motion!

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